Monday, December 21, 2009

Christmas Wishes

Bodie's Christmas List for Himself:
 An orange

 An apple
a Vacuum

Bodie's Christmas List for Abby:
Lots and Lots of Toys

Go figure. 
Guess he's just feelin' the Christmas Spirit.


The DeGiulio's said...

Cute picture!

Zeann said...

So darling forever Bodie and what a beautiful little sister you have. And after all you can be as generous as you want with her she will always share with you. Love you all

Some Kind of Crazy said...

Wow! So helpful! Does he want the vacuum so he can work? What a cutie!

Each year growing up we always had an apple and an orange in the toe of our stocking. Never celery though. I wonder what my kids would say...

Auburn said...

the vacuum obsession is great. Too bad he can't really operate it, or you could have him cleanin' your house all day long.

Jan DeGiulio said...

I love the list - Smart boy!

Jason and Ashlee said...

I guess santa didn't get Bodie's list - I didn't see him open anything like that. :-)

Cute picture - "that's my big brother"

katielyn said...

That's awesome! My neighbor's 2 year old only wanted a candy cane. If only it would stay that easy...