Wednesday, February 3, 2010

The Other "Us"

When you look back at different times in your life, do parts of it seem to be a completely different lifetime or like a dream?
Sometimes when I think about Bacho and I pre-kids, I can't remember us very well. Seems like I should be able to remember so easily because we were kid-less for many, many years.

When children come into our lives, we give up parts of ourselves to give to them. They need us. They're helpless.
And in return our children give so much to us.
Their innocence helps us remember the important things in life. They bring joy and love into a home like nothing else can.
I love the little family we have.

But lately I've been missing those two people up there in the picture.
I miss having the time and the energy to give everything we've got to eachother.
I miss our all-weekend-on-the-blow-up-matress-never-getting-up-except-for-the-bathroom-or food-movie-extravaganzas.

Sometimes I find it a tricky balance to give enough to my children, family, friends, church, community, myself and to my friend up there in the picture.

Last night I told him that I miss him. 
I tell him that all the time, but this time I said,
  "No, really. I miss you. 
I miss you from 1996,'97,'98 and'99."
He knew what I meant because he knows me pretty well.

 Life is demanding. We have to-do lists that never end.  We have responsibilities and people counting on us. 
With life as busy as it is, sometimes it's a good idea to push on the brakes a little in some areas so we can give a little TLC to other areas.

I'm thinking those two up in that picture are going to get a little TLC in the form of some major date nights.
Maybe even two in the same week.


Jason and Ashlee said...

I think you do a pretty awesome job balancing all of it.

Let us watch your kids while you go out on your major dates!

The Jensen Family said...

Well said. Many of us feel this way. We do love our kids however sometimes we need the hubby and wife part to come first just once in awhile so that we know we are still human. We would love to take your kids if you ever need a date night.

Jan DeGiulio said...

Very insightful! I hope you have tons of great date nights!

mandy said...

I totally agree. I was just going through a gazillion little notes that I used to put in Trent's lunch everyday for him. I thought "wow, I used to be a pretty good wife" and now it seems like everything goes straight to the kids. Good reminder for all of us:)

The O'Neils said...

What a great post! I agree with what everyone else has said. We do sometimes need to be reminded. PS I love the picture ;).

Happy in Harpsterville said...

I'd be more than happy to keep the kids so you can have your date night.

Some Kind of Crazy said...

Yes, I am sometimes homesick for times past too. Definitely you should go on two dates a week! Let me know if you'd like me to babysit while you go on a weekday lunch date! Those are fun! You need to try "Five Guys" at Dana Park.

The interesting thing is that probably in 8-10 years from now, you will look back at this time and think about how much you miss and loved these days.

Jill Freestone said...

have fun on your dates!! We are BIG fans of dates and time together after they go to bed.

Sally Jensen Interiors said...

Yep...definitely feel the same way. Ruby came VERY quick so we did not have much just "us" time. I know my priorities are a little bit off at this point in life, but sometimes I remind myself that while they're little they are the most dependent so this is what I am suppose to be doing...even though it wears me out! Soon (like in the next 20 years) I will hopefully get to balance it out a little better and get more "us" time with my Dave.

Anonymous said...

Ah Staci, this picture makes my stomach sink. A little homesick for the good old college days of school in the mornings and beach all day long. And what about meeting our sweethearts in paradise. You and Bacho were (and still are) so cute! What great memories. I think you should plan a trip back and invite us of course :) Hope you are doing well...