Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Wanna Play....Sweetheart Tag

Just in time for Valentine's Day. Here's how to play. I'll answer questions about my sweetheart. Then at the bottom of the post I'll tag someone. Then you copy and paste the questions on your blog and tag people.

What is your husbands name? Bacho, or to be official Angel Luis Vega. But I like to call him Bacho Bega

Where did you meet? BYU-Hawaii.

How long did you date? Altogether a year and a half. He followed me around campus until I finally asked him why he was following me (I was kidding), then we dated a little, said we were just friends, then decided we really were dating, then dated long distance and finally lived in the same state for 6 months and then got engaged.

Where have you lived while you've been married? Omaha, Utah, California (just for a summer) and Arizona.

How long have you guys been married? 11 1/2 years (it seriously seems like 2)

How old is he? 36

Who is taller? Bacho is. He's 6'0 and I'm 5' 6 1/2". Don't forget the 1/2.

Who can sing best? Ummm... that's a toss up. Neither of us are very good.

Who is smarter? Depends. He takes his time and really studies things and he remembers lots of tidbits of information. I'm a little better with everyday things.

What's his best quality? He has lots, but he is super patient and he is just a genuinely nice person.

Who does laundry? Me. He volunteers to do it, but I like the way I do it. I've tried to teach him, but I think he pretends he doesn't know how to fold or remember where things get put away just so he doesn't have to do it :)

Who pays the bills? Me.

Who mows the lawn? Bacho does when I'm pregnant and feeling miserable, but otherwise I do it. Again, I like the way I do it. Plus, I enjoy yardwork.

Who cooks dinner? Usually me. But many times we rely on Kelloggs to provide dinner.

Who is the first to admit when they are wrong? Bacho for sure.

Who wears the pants? I think we both know that's me.

Who kissed who first? He would say me, but it was totally him. Don't judge us, but it was our first date. We were in Hawaii driving a car with one door rusted shut that didn't reverse. We ate Taco Bell in a parking lot (romantic huh) and then sat at Sunset Beach all night until the sun came up. We were play wrestling (I think both of us were hoping to get kissed) and we both fell to the sand. And then it happened. Best night of my life!

Ok...I tag each one of you reading this.

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