Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Back To School

With all the back to school fever in the air, it's got me missing my teaching days just a bit. Yes, there were lots of things about teaching that were frustrating and exhausting and, and, and. But there were so many great things about it too and one of my most favorites was back to school time. Everything was new- the kids' nametags, the crayons, the glue, kids' sneakers. That first week of school is so exciting-seeing who's in your class, what does the classroom look like and what the cafeteria ladies will be serving for lunch. Even as a teacher it was the same. I was so nervous every year that everything was perfect-the desks all lined up just so, the pencil boxes all filled just the same and the welcome message on the board with just the right lettering. I was just as nervous to meet the kids as they were to meet me. There was that feeling of fall in the air (even in Arizona) that football and apples and Halloween were coming. Being at school with all those kids doing all the fun art projects just makes the seasons and the holidays and each time of year so much more enjoyable.
It's a great time of year!

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