Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Because We're Adults

We have a little saying at our house that goes a little something like this, "We can because we're adults." We've said it many, many times since we've been married.
We can eat all the sugar cereal we want because.....we're adults.
We can leave our bedroom really messy for a really long time because.....we're adults.
We can pull our mattress into the family room and lay on it from Friday night until Monday morning only leaving to take potty breaks, eating nothing but Chex Mix and watching nothing but Real World because.....we're adults.
Last night we said our favorite saying again.
We can lay on our bed in partially wet swimming suits, eating ice cream and spilling little bits of ice cream bar on the sheets while watching The Bachelorette because.....we're adults.
Man it's good to be an adult at our house.


Jan DeGiulio said...

I wish I lived at your house! You guys are FUN!

The DeGiulio's said...

Haha I love the saying! Sounds like a fun house to live at, can I come live with you?

Jason and Ashlee said...

and the best part is - when you guys get hungry later you can lick off the ice cream from your sheets. Why - cause you're adults. ;)

Zeann said...

Best yet!!! Love it. Can I be an adult when I grow up? It sounds like so much fun. Love you

Anonymous said...

I miss the Vega family! They have a fun house. Swimming then ice cream..man life is good. Aloha, Kim Soper

The Zemp Family said...

You guys are so awesome! Being an adult better have it's perks right? I'm glad that you guys so willingly partake of them! However it does worry me about what you will do when you are elderly; Massive explosive bowel movements in your diaper on purpose, for the nurse or your kids to clean up, driving under the speed limit just to tick people off, cutting in line and acting like you didn't notice there was one, perhaps? Live it up!